Terms And Conditions.
General Terms and Conditions to claim a discount on TIFTA Partner Tours:
1. This offer can be used for future tours with Partners that are members of TIFTA (The Independant Food Tour Association) at the time you are claiming. Tour operators may leave the organisation at any time, and may not be a member at the time you choose to claim in the future.
2. Discount only applies to direct bookings. You are not eligible for this discount if you book through third parties.
3. This discount cannot be combined with any other discount.
4. Discount cannot be claimed retrospectively. Please contact the tour operator prior to booking if you would like to claim a discount.
5. Discount is valid for 2 years from the date of your previous tour.
6. Any operator that leaves the organisation has no further obligation to honour discounts in the future.
7. Any bookings are subject to the Partner Operators tour availability.
8. This discount is non transferable.
9. A TIFTA member may ask for you to provide evidence of your prior tour with a Partner operator. If so, this will be communicated to you directly by the tour operator. Acceptance of your claim is at their sole discretion.
10. TIFTA members retain the right to reject suspected fraudulent claims.
11. Should these Terms and Conditions differ to those printed on a partner members website, the terms and conditions as printed on the partner members website shall prevail when claiming a discount on that operators tours.
Specific Terms and Conditions to claim a discount on Eating Adventures Tours
1. You must contact us via email prior to booking to obtain a discount code.
2. We may ask to see a copy of your booking confirmation from the partner tour your attended.
3. This may not be claimed if you are already obtaining a group discount.